Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello Cupcake!

There is a cupcake themed give away going on at Mayhem and Moxie.  It's cute and fun and right up my alley!  One of the ways to enter is to blog about the prizes.  'I have a blog,' I thought.  'And I could do some pretty womanly stuff with those prizes!' 
So, here goes!

Prize #1 Le Poppy Design Party Package
Roomy's birthday is coming soon!  She's definitely older than the little cutie in their sample picture, but I have a feeling that Le Poppy Design could rock some sweet 80s themed decorations for Roomy's bowling party!  I can just see the hyper colors now!  Seriously, if I win this, I need all decorations to center around these stylin' shades!

Prize #2 Wilton Cupcake Package
If you've been following my blogging adventure, you know that I really heart cupcakes and I really heart making them.  My deep, dark, guilty cupcake secret is that I'm a cupcake perfectionist.  I'm almost never happy with the way my cupcakes turn out.  My last batch for St. Patty's Day went well until the purple frosting.  I should have known better than to dye it, but even if I had left it white, there's still an issue with the application.  It was a little sloppy.  My mom actually forbid me to talk whine to her about the state of my cupcakes ever again when I wanted to throw all of my Halloween cupcakes away last year.  It's hard to be as perfect as I want to be!
Prize#3 A Story written by Mama Kat
This prize from Mama Kat is the hardest for me to imagine using myself.  It's a really cute concept and Kathy is a fun and engaging writer, but it's definitely for kids.  Maybe I could use it for a prize for one of my Sunday School students?

Prize # 4 KitchenAid Professional Stand Mixer
Oh, what couldn't I do with this?!  Actually, as un-Womanly as it sounds, I don't even have a hand mixer!  All my cookies, cakes, etc. are mixed by my strong arms and a wooden spoon.  It has put a damper on my icing choices. If I had this baby, I would make fluffy meringue pies and pavlovas and fancy frostings and I might even try those macarons that everybody is so crazy about, even though every recipe I find is in grams.  I've also always wanted to make marshmallows ala Martha Stewart.
Stand mixers seem so grown up and Womanly to me.  Even though I've wanted one for quite awhile, I've only felt worthy of one for the last few years.  This Christmas, I seriously considered asking my parents for a red KitchenAid to match my new red dishes that I bought myself.  My chef step-mom would have probably jumped right on that and been happy to do it.  She likes to enable my kitchen ambitions.  I decided against it though for a very silly and slightly embarassing reason.  I've been saving myself for marriage.  I mean, KitchenAids are such a great wedding gifts!  They last forever, they're used all the time and a shiny red one is a great focal piece on the kitchen counter top.  How romantic would it be to get to remember your wedding day everytime you mixed up a batch of your husband's favorite cookie?  I think it's my friend, Leisha's, fault that I idealize them so much.  When she moved out of her parents' house, she inherited her mother's "wedding" kitchen aid. After 30 years, her mom decided to upgrade. Leisha now gets to use it and think about her parents wedding and all the recipies they made together with the extra ingredient of love.  I want my daughter to inherit my starter KitchenAid and think about my wedding, my love!
Fortunately, practicality has overcome my romanticism and I'm now ready for a KitchenAid!  (Did you read that, Kacey and Francesca?)

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